Canadian Hockey Scandal Involving Allegations of Sexual Assault

The landscape of Canadian hockey has been overshadowed by a troubling scandal involving allegations of sexual assault by members of Canada’s 2018 world junior team. This controversy has culminated in significant consequences for some of the players currently on NHL rosters.

Players Left Without Contracts

Four players implicated in the allegations have not been offered new contracts by their respective NHL teams. These players are Philadelphia Flyers’ goaltender Carter Hart, New Jersey Devils’ Michael McLeod, Cal Foote, and Calgary Flames forward Dillon Dube. This collective decision from their teams follows the charges filed earlier this year and has rendered these athletes free agents amidst ongoing investigations.

The Allegations

The allegations stem from a 2022 lawsuit where a woman claimed she was sexually assaulted by eight members of the Canadian team following a fundraising gala in London on June 19, 2018. The incident allegedly occurred at the Delta Hotel London Armouries, where, according to the lawsuit, the 20-year-old woman was taken to a room by a player (referred to as "John Doe #1") and subsequently assaulted by seven other men.

She further contended that the men intimidated her, prevented her from leaving, and coerced her into taking a shower and stating on video that she was sober. The London Police were alerted by a relative of the victim, which initiated an investigation.

Initial and Reopened Investigations

The initial police investigation, which began shortly after the alleged incident in 2018, was closed in 2019 without any charges being filed. However, the filing of the 2022 lawsuit prompted a reopening of the investigation, leading to charges against five team members in February in London, Ontario.

Wider Implications and NHL Investigation

A broader scope of repercussions has unfolded since the scandal surfaced. Hockey Canada, embroiled in the controversy, settled the lawsuit and further admitted to having maintained two secret funds for resolving claims of sexual assault and abuse. This admission has spurred demands for deeper organizational introspection and reform within the sport.

In addition to the legal investigations, the NHL also launched its own inquiry into the matter in 2022. The four players mentioned were put on paid leave from their teams until the end of the month, leaving their professional futures uncertain as they await the resolution of legal proceedings.

Further Charges

One of the charged individuals, Alex Formenton, who transitioned from an NHL career to the Swiss club HC Ambri-Piotta, has also faced charges of sexual assault. These developments have ricocheted through the fabric of Canadian hockey, shedding light on the severe and far-reaching implications of the scandal.

Police Actions

Detective Sgt. Katherine Dann from the London Police commented on the situation, stating that charges were filed for all the cases where there were “reasonable grounds” to proceed. This statement underscores the gravity of the evidence and the serious nature of the charges faced by the individuals involved.

As this scandal continues to unravel, it is clear that the repercussions extend beyond the individual players to the broader organizational and cultural fabric of Canadian hockey. This case highlights an urgent need for a reconsideration of current practices and ethics within the sport, aimed at preventing such incidents in the future.